
Rate Comparison and Enrollment

WattPlan’s Rate Comparison and Enrollment offering allows utility and energy agencies to present their residential customers with an automated solution to explore and select the best electric rate for their needs

Energy rate comparison

Benefits to Programs:

  • Reduce inbound customer service contacts; provide automated, self-guided, rate education
  • Guide your customers through a customizable process for their rate options and simulate their usage at different rates
  • Leverage WattPlan as a customer service and support tool to guide customers through their rate options in a consistent fashion

Benefits to Customers:

  • Provide a digital and automated self-education experience to customers for their electrical rate options
  • Offer a complete understanding of different electric rates and programs with detailed explanations of each
  • Help customers determine the best rate program for their unique circumstances and see the total amount of expected savings by switching rates

Personalized Experience

  • Customizable copy enables utilities to describe how specific rates apply to customers
  • Integrates with utility AMI information to simulate customer usage on all available and relevant electric rates
  • Simple user interface makes it easy for users to understand different rates and sign up for new ones.
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Show users as many rates as are relevant

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Customizable copy allows utilities to educate their users on the rate programs available

Trusted Calculations

  • Rates are simulated to within 5% of utility accuracy
  • Most rates can be simulated, including multiple time-of-use periods, and other complex rate components
  • Offer an optional user experience with load curves supplied by the utility for users without AMI data
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Clearly illustrate to utility customers the lowest rate program option and the expected high and low bills

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Show utility customers their expected bills throughout the year, given their past electric power usage

Actionable Guidance

  • Maximize rate adoption by making Wattplan the front page to rate sign up applications
  • Combine with other offerings to help a customer understand if adding a new technology (including EV, Storage or PV) would allow them to switch rates and what the true benefits would be
  • Clearly identify when a customer is already leveraging the best rate
Case Study

Tucson Electric Power (TEP) builds a better customer experience with WattPlan®

See how TEP is building a better customer experience using online tools

Tucson Electric Power white logo

Providing solutions directly from our website makes it easier for customers to explore their options, understand costs and make informed decisions.

Patrick McCoy
Strategic Business Planner, Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)

What really impressed us was our ability to get the tool deployed quickly—in just a few months—and with an interface that guides the customer in a friendly way.

Ted Burhans
Director of Emerging Technologies & Innovation, Tucson Electric Power