Utility Solutions

Renewable Energy

Automate renewable energy programs across customer education, enrollment & program management.

Scale and streamline renewable energy programs such as customer-owned solar, battery storage, and community solar. Educate and empower customers to make informed decisions. Automate repetitive tasks and processes. Leverage program data and solar data to gain visibility into PV production, for more robust grid planning and operations.

Clean Power Research provides a suite of products to accelerate the renewable energy transformation.

Solar panel farm

Take control of renewable energy programs

Empower businesses and consumers to electrify their buildings
Surging questions from customers considering solar

Customers may not be aware of the economic realities of installing solar PV and they are often unaware of the various program offerings, including community solar. Utilities often feel the impact of this customer support, which becomes intensified if uninformed customers adopt solar and become frustrated by the reality of bill savings if it does not match their expectations.

Customers need better guidance from an objective trusted source, but this is resource intensive for utilities to execute.

Empower businesses and consumers to electrify their buildings
DERs driving exponential growth of data to manage

An increasing number of downstream processes and tools rely on detailed DER information. Incentive programs need to calculate rebate amounts sometimes based on eligible equipment specifications. Load forecasting, hosting capacity analysis, and other grid modernization tools, rely on detailed solar panel, battery, and inverter specifications.

Tracking and validating approved equipment are daunting and costly tasks.

Empower businesses and consumers to electrify their buildings
Legacy processes are breaking as distributed generation surges

Volumes of residential and commercial solar applications are growing, with more complexity, stakeholders, and touch points.

Manual workflow processes are straining under this growth of customer-sited solar.

Empower businesses and consumers to electrify their buildings
DERs are creating new challenges in planning and operating the grid

An influx of distributed generation projects can cloud utilities’ ability to predict gross and net grid loads, plan for the future and operate the grid accordingly.

Utilities need visibility into PV production –near-term and long-term – but individually monitoring systems is cost prohibitive.

Automate and streamline your solar and renewable programs

  • Offer a personalized, self-service educational tool to answer customer questions like: “Is solar right for me?”
  • Enable customers to calculate potential savings, find the best rate plan, and right-size their solar (+ battery) systems.
  • Configure Forms. Create, modify and test web forms with drag and drop elements publishable on any webpage for a cohesive user experience.
  • Design Workflows. Easily visualize, configure, modify and test workflows, including automations that drive status changes and other actions.
  • Delight customers and stakeholders by accelerating delivery and reducing backlogs.
  • Automate Communications. Keep applicants and stakeholders informed of key status changes and approaching deadlines via email or custom views.
  • Increase efficiency by offloading minutia. From rebates and incentives to PV generation and hardware spec, to deadlines and stakeholder visibility- renewable energy programs have tons of moving parts that can be streamlined via automation.
  • Integrate Grid Resources. Collect structured, uniform data for downstream processes, including load forecasting, grid planning, and operations.
  • Improve Planning and Operations. Forecast near-term and long-term PV production to understand gross load.
Case Study

Rappahannock Electric Cooperative streamlines solar program

Rappahannock Electric Cooperative’s (REC) Energy Solutions and Clean Energy team struggled with high solar support call volumes and a labor-intensive interconnection process. To improve their residential and commercial solar programs, REC sought to automate customer education and reduce the amount of time spent on manual processes and reporting.

Streamline solar programs

Ready to take control of your Renewable Energy programs? Contact us to learn more!

Learn how utilities and energy agencies can take control of Renewable Energy programs


Offer on-demand, self-service assessments for a wide range of renewable energy, EV and rates offerings with Wattplan®.

PowerClerk logo

Automate, streamline and scale utility program management processes with PowerClerk®.


Inform distribution system planning and grid operations with scalable DER data and insights from FleetView®.