Utility-scale Interconnection Resources
Learn how flexible, proven, no-code workflow automation software can help utilities simplify and streamline FERC generator interconnection and manage queues.
Reflow® 2023 Session: Empowering Rapid and Flexible FERC Generation Interconnection Management: APS’ Success with PowerClerk with Clean Power Research’s Melissa Days and APS’ Rebecca Crawford
Reflow 2022 Session: Establishing Best Practices for the Conversion of FERC Tariffs to Power Clerk Programs with Clean Power Research’s Melissa Days
Case Study:
APS Streamlines FERC Generator Interconnection Program with PowerClerk – Learn how the application processing time was reduced from 5+ days to 2-3 days for their 80-120 applications/year.
PowerClerk workflow automation software gives utilities control of their energy program
“I’m so proud of what we’ve accomplished. From where we started to where we are now—this really helps us with interconnection queues, which required a lot of human work, human sweat, and sometimes some tears. PowerClerk has been a game changer.”
Supervisor of Transmission Contracts and Services, APS