Resource Type

Solar Prediction

IRENA SolarCity

This project combines ultra-high-resolution (0.5 meter or 1 meter) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data and 3D vector...

Enhancing Temporal Variability of 5-minute Satellite-Derived Solar Irradiance Data

Satellite-derived solar irradiance data are known to underestimate temporal variability compared to point measurements...

Nonparametric Temporal Downscaling of GHI Clear-sky Indices Using Gaussian Copula

Small-scale variabilities of solar irradiance are important for many applications. Downscaling approaches need to be...

A Review of Solar Forecasting, Its Dependence on Atmospheric Sciences and Implications for Grid Integration: Towards Carbon Neutrality

The ability to forecast solar irradiance plays an indispensable role in solar power forecasting, which constitutes an...

Observed Recent Trends in the Solar Resource across North America: Changing Cloud-cover, AOD and the Implications for PV Yield

In years recent to 2020, low solar-resource in the Eastern U.S. was observed in the SolarAnywhere® dataset. This paper...

Investigations of Site-Specific, Long Term Average Albedo Determination for Accurate Bifacial System Energy Modeling

As interest in bifacial PV modules grows, there is a need to quantify the impact of additional energy generation for...

Improved PV System Modeling with ML-Based Power Model: Case Study of a Commercial Building

Solar PV system specifications are critical to accurately modeling PV system production (along with high-quality...

EPIC Solar Forecasting Task 3 Final Report: Grid-Connected and Embedded PV Fleet Forecasting Accuracy

This report, prepared with an Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) fund, describes new methods for improving...

EPIC Solar Forecasting Task 2 Final Report: Data Forecasting Accuracy

This report, prepared with an Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) fund, describes the results of research to...

Advancing the Science of Behind-the-Meter PV Forecasting

This presentation discusses how probabilistic forecasting enables electric utilities and grid operators to reduce...

Extending Fleet Forecasting Capability into the Probabilistic Realm

This presentation demonstrates how a new approach to PV fleet forecasting can address the problem of artificially high...

Solar+ Homes: If an Integrated Approach Works in a Retrofit Application, New Homes Will Be Even Better

This presentation demonstrates the effectiveness of an integrated approach to electrification of existing and new...

Value of Solar+Storage in Guam

This report presents the results of a distributed-solar valuation performed for the island of Guam. The study used...

Montana Solar Market Assessment

As part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s SunShot Initiative, the Montana Energy Office (MEO) of the Montana...

Improved model of solar resource variability based on regional aggregation and climate zones

This paper provides the results of using an alternative method to calculate annual insolation probability of...

Day-Ahead Irradiance Forecast Variability Characterization Using Satellite Data

This article calculates day-head forecast variability as function of historical clearness index based on intraday...

Importance of Input Data and Uncertainty Associated with Tuning Satellite to Ground Solar Irradiation

Although the uncertainty of satellite data such as SolarAnywhere® Data has been shown to be low, it can be challenging...

Solar Energy Forecast Validation for Extended Areas & Economic Impact of Forecast Accuracy

This article evaluates the accuracy of solar forecast models, including SolarAnywhere®, as a function of geographic...

Integration of Behind-the-Meter PV Fleet Forecasts into Utility Grid System Operations

This paper describes a study, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, to evaluate new, state-of-the-art solar...

Reducing Solar Project Uncertainty with an Optimized Resource Assessment Tuning Methodology

This paper describes procedures suitable for the optimal combination of ground-based and satellite-based irradiance...

Satellite-to-Irradiance Modeling – A New Version of the SUNY Model

This article presents and validates the latest version of the SUNY model for using satellite imagery to calculate...

Operational Improvements in the Performance of the SUNY Satellite-to-Solar Irradiance Model Using Satellite Infrared Channels

This paper summarizes operational improvements to the existing SUNY satellite-to-solar irradiance model used to...

Experience in California with Behind-the-Meter PV Forecasts

SolarAnywhere® FleetView™ is generating behind-the-meter PV forecasts in California, enabling utilities and ISOs to...

Integrating PV into Utility Planning and Operation Tools

Clean Power Research received a California Solar Initiative (CSI) Research, Development, Demonstration and Deployment...

Demonstration and Validation of PV Output Variability Modeling Approach

The California Energy Commission’s Public Interest Energy Research (CEC PIER) program awarded Clean Power Research a...

CSI RD&D Solicitation 1 Final Webinar: Advanced Modeling and Verification for High Penetration PV

In April 2010, Clean Power Research received a California Solar Initiative (CSI) Research, Development, Demonstration...

CSI RD&D Solicitation 3 Final Webinar: Integrating PV into Utility Planning and Operation Tools

Clean Power Research received a California Solar Initiative (CSI) Research, Development, Demonstration and Deployment...

Advanced Modeling and Verification for High Penetration PV

In April 2010, Clean Power Research received a California Solar Initiative (CSI) Research, Development, Demonstration...

Behind-the-Meter PV Fleet Forecasting: Results for 130,000 PV Systems in California

Lean how SolarAnywhere® FleetView™ is being integrated into CAISO planning and operations tools to provide power...

Behind-the-Meter PV Fleet Forecasting

Grid-connected PV in the U.S. has grown substantially over the past several years and grid operators are increasingly...

Forecasting Output for 130,000 PV Systems in California

Lean how SolarAnywhere® FleetView™ is being integrated into CAISO planning and operations tools to provide power...

Integrating PV into Utility Planning and Operation Tools

This presentation describes how SolarAnywhere® FleetView™ is being used to cost-effectively forecast power output of...

Behind-the-Meter PV Fleet Forecasting

Learn how SolarAnywhere® FleetView™ can be used for behind-the-meter PV fleet forecasting. Presented at the Utility...

Solar Monitoring, Forecasting and Variability Assessment at SMUD

This paper summarizes the deployment of a 71 station solar monitoring network in Sacramento, Calif., and its use in...

Reporting of Irradiance Model Relative Errors

Metrics used in assessing irradiance model accuracy such as Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error...

Predicting Short-term Variability of High Penetration PV

This article evaluates the ability of three operational satellite models (SolarAnywhere® Standard, Enhanced, and High...

Off-Shore Wind and Grid-Connected PV: High Penetration Peak Shaving for New York City

This article presents an experimental evaluation of the combined effective capacity of off-shore wind and...

Evaluating Irradiance Accuracy Using California ISO Data: Lessons Learned

This presentation provides the results of a study evaluating the short, medium and long-term accuracy of irradiance...

Modeling PV Fleet Output Variability

This paper introduces a novel approach to estimating the maximum short‐term output variability that an arbitrary fleet...

Short-term Irradiance Variability: Station Pair Correlation as a Function of Distance

This article focuses on station pairs, and investigates the correlation of their short-term variability as a function...

Parameterization of Site-specific Short-term Irradiance Variability

This article presents a set of empirical models capable of extracting metrics quantifying the short‐term variability...

PV Power Output Variability: Correlation Coefficients

This paper introduces a novel approach to estimate the maximum short‐term output variability that a fleet of PV...

Valuing a Portfolio of PV Investments

This presentation describes the importance of PV output variability as a factor in calculating the value of a fleet of...

Validation of Short & Medium Term Operational Solar Radiation Forecasts in the U.S.

This paper presents a validation of the short- and medium-term global irradiance forecasts that are produced as part...

Validation of PV Performance Models Using Satellite-based Irradiance Measurements: A Case Study

This paper presents a study of how PV performance model results are affected when satellite-based weather data is used...

Weather Adjusted Performance Guarantees

This paper describes how to generate more accurate Weather-Adjusted Performance Guarantees for PV systems using a...

Evaluating PV Fleet Output Variability

This presentation describes methods for evaluating the power output variability of PV fleets, and how that information...

Quantifying PV Power Output Variability

This paper presents a new approach to rigorously quantify power output variability from a fleet of PV systems, ranging...

Shining on the Big Apple: Satisfying New York City’s Peak Electrical Needs with PV

This presentation describes how measured data was used to evaluate the potential of PV to satisfy the electrical needs...

Field Validation of the Clean Power Estimator’s Obstruction Analysis Algorithm

This paper validates the Clean Power Estimator obstruction analysis algorithm based on results produced by the Solar...

Validation of a Simplified PV Simulation Engine

This paper describes and validates a simple PV simulation model capable of predicting average PV output as a function...


    Investigating variation of soiling and snow loss models using SolarAnywhere® data
    Investigating variation of soiling and snow loss models using SolarAnywhere® data

    Soiling and snow on PV systems can lead to significant annual energy losses, reaching up to 50%1 and 40%2 in certain regions. Our study investigates common models for estimating soiling and snow-related energy impacts. By analyzing these soiling and snow loss models at a 1 km spatial resolution, incorporating typical PV system parameters and leveraging […]

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    SolarAnywhere Data Version 3.8 includes new high latitude irradiance data
    SolarAnywhere Data Version 3.8 includes new high latitude irradiance data

    Clean Power Research® releases a new SolarAnywhere® data version annually. This year’s update addresses the changing needs of the solar industry as projects expand to more northern, snowy locations with appreciable wind risk by offering new high-latitude irradiance data. Consistent with years past, we also published our annual validation whitepaper to communicate the accuracy of […]

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