SolarAnywhere FleetView

SolarAnywhere FleetView

Industry Leaders Support Rapid Launch of Solar for All Projects with Free Playbook

Center for Sustainable Energy and Clean Power Research share best practices and practical solutions for engaging...

SolarAnywhere® Innovations Reduce Uncertainty to Optimize Development, Operations

Companies digitalizing business processes rely on SolarAnywhere’s easy-to-use API and highly accurate, site-specific...

Exelon Companies Gain PV Generation Insights with FleetView®

FleetView calculates behind-the-meter PV generation to inform gross load calculations and distribution planning Three...

EPIC Solar Forecasting Task 3 Final Report: Grid-Connected and Embedded PV Fleet Forecasting Accuracy

This report, prepared with an Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) fund, describes new methods for improving...

EPIC Solar Forecasting Task 2 Final Report: Data Forecasting Accuracy

This report, prepared with an Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) fund, describes the results of research to...

Montana Solar Market Assessment

As part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s SunShot Initiative, the Montana Energy Office (MEO) of the Montana...

Integrating PV into Utility Planning and Operation Tools

Clean Power Research received a California Solar Initiative (CSI) Research, Development, Demonstration and Deployment...

Behind-the-Meter PV Fleet Forecasting

Grid-connected PV in the U.S. has grown substantially over the past several years and grid operators are increasingly...

Clean Power Research Takes on PV Fleet Management Challenges with Ground-Breaking Data Sources and Analysis Capabilities

Utilities and ISOs can now plan and operate PV fleets reliably and cost-effectively, enabling higher PV penetration...

Solar Monitoring, Forecasting and Variability Assessment at SMUD

This paper summarizes the deployment of a 71 station solar monitoring network in Sacramento, Calif., and its use in...

Predicting Short-term Variability of High Penetration PV

This article evaluates the ability of three operational satellite models (SolarAnywhere® Standard, Enhanced, and High...

Evaluating Irradiance Accuracy Using California ISO Data: Lessons Learned

This presentation provides the results of a study evaluating the short, medium and long-term accuracy of irradiance...
