RE Grid Penetration

RE Grid Penetration

Impact of PV/Wind Forecast Accuracy and National Transmission Grid Reinforcement on the Italian Electric System

The high share of PV energy requires greater system flexibility to address the increased demand/supply imbalance...

IEA Task 16-3.5 Report: Firm Power Generation

Grid-connected solar power generation, either dispersed or centralized, has developed and grown at the margin of a...

Firm PV Power generation for Switzerland

We investigate whether photovoltaics (PV) can effectively and economically contribute to a massively renewable energy...

Firm PV Power Generation in Switzerland

We investigate whether PV can effectively and economically contribute to a massively renewable energy (RE) power...

IMPLICIT STORAGE – Optimally Achieving Lowest-Cost 100% Renewable Power generation

Implicit storage – aka overbuilt and operationally curtailed variable renewable energy (RE) resources – is a...

Least-Cost Firm PV Power Generation: Dynamic Curtailment vs. Inverter-Limited Curtailment

Overbuilding and dynamic curtailment are increasingly acknowledged as central to cost-optimally transforming...

Residual Load Imbalance Mitigation Strategy via Flexible PV Ancillary Services: The Italian Case Study

Large share of solar energy imposes a higher system flexibility to resolve the increased demand/supply imbalance due...

Ultra-High Photovoltaic Penetration: Where to Deploy

While it is widely known that the solar resource is sufficient to meet the world’s energy demand many times over, the...

Italian Protocol for Massive Solar Integration: From Solar Imbalance Regulation to Firm 24/365 Solar Generation

This article describes a progressive strategy to achieve 100% penetration of intermittent renewables at minimal cost....

From Firm Solar Power Forecasts to Firm Solar Power Generation an Effective Path to Ultra-High Renewable Penetration a New York Case Study

We introduce firm solar forecasts as a strategy to operate optimally overbuilt solar power plants in conjunction with...

The Value of PV Power Forecast and the Paradox of the “Single Pricing” Scheme: The Italian Case Study

One of the major problem of photovoltaic grid integration is limiting the solar-induced imbalances since these can...

Italian Protocol for Massive Solar Integration: Imbalance Mitigation Strategies

This article proposes two strategies for the mitigation of power imbalances and related costs resulting from...

A Radical Idea to Get a High-Renewable Electric Grid: Build Way More Solar and Wind Than Needed

The famous inventor Edwin Land said, “It’s not that we need new ideas, but we need to stop having old ideas.” He...

Overbuilding & Curtailment: The Cost-Effective Enablers of Firm PV Generation

Current thinking considers that PV output curtailment is a last resort measure to be avoided. In this article, we...


WattPlan expands coverage of solar rooftop data
WattPlan expands coverage of solar rooftop data

Clean Power Research® is excited to announce an enhancement to WattPlan®, our personalized rate and DER customer education and engagement software for utilities and energy agencies. As of July 1st, all rooftop solar estimations on WattPlan sites started using Google’s...

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