

Industry Leaders Support Rapid Launch of Solar for All Projects with Free Playbook

Center for Sustainable Energy and Clean Power Research share best practices and practical solutions for engaging...

SolarAnywhere® Innovations Reduce Uncertainty to Optimize Development, Operations

Companies digitalizing business processes rely on SolarAnywhere’s easy-to-use API and highly accurate, site-specific...

Clean Power Research and Integral Analytics partner to help utilities optimize distribution network investments

New solution addresses key DER information gaps and equips utility planners with the information needed to gain...

New DER Planning Software from Clean Power Research and SMUD Enables Utilities to Predict Bottom-Line Impacts in a DER World

 Product will benefit utilities of all sizes Sacramento, Calif., Jan. 17, 2018—Clean Power Research® and SMUD today...

WattPlan® Revealing Savings of Electric Vehicles and Solar in California, New York, Arizona

Online software has already provided 10,000 residential customers with instant, personalized estimates to determine...

PowerClerk Speeding Time to Solar Interconnection across Five U.S. Utilities, Processed over 25,000 Applications in Five Months

With PowerClerk, utility processing times have been reduced by as much as 63%, and median time to submit applications...

New WattPlan® Software by Clean Power Research Sets Standard for Utilities to Deliver Highly Personalized Answers to Energy Questions

Early adopters are cost-effectively engaging customers about solar options with WattPlan®’s interactive, online...

Clean Power Research Helps Reduce Solar Interconnection Soft Costs by Turning Paper into Bytes

New software, funded by a SunShot Incubator award, takes solar interconnection online to streamline application...

Clean Power Research Takes on Solar Soft Costs and PV Fleet Integration with $1.5 million in SunShot Initiative Awards

New software services will help utilities cost-effectively manage interconnection, better engage solar customers, and...

The Value of Distributed Solar Electric Generation to San Antonio

This Value of Solar® study was prepared for Solar San Antonio under a Department of Energy SunShot Initiative grant....

Behind-the-Meter Intelligence for Distributed PV Grid Integration

As energy generation from distributed PV increases, utilities and ISOs are working to quantify the impact of high...

Solar Resource Variability: Myth & Fact

Examines short-term solar resource variability caused by passing clouds. View Article >>>

Market Transformation Benefits of a PV Incentive Program

Real-life example of the economics of implementing a PV incentive program Download PDF >>>


Leading electric utilities choose Clean Power Research
Leading electric utilities choose Clean Power Research

Clean Power Research is honored to take a leading role in utility and energy agency digitalization initiatives On behalf of the entire team at Clean Power Research, I wish our utility and energy agency customers a Happy New Year and thank you for a great 2023. We’re...

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