

Streamlining solar interconnection: How JEA leveraged PowerClerk® to resolve its backlog

Automation and streamlined program management empower the JEA energy programs team to scale their solar...

APS utilizes PowerClerk® to enable efficient, flexible FERC generator interconnection management

Automation and consolidation empower the Arizona Public Service FERC Generator Interconnection team to scale and...

Exelon Companies Gain PV Generation Insights with SolarAnywhere FleetView

FleetView calculates behind-the-meter PV generation to inform gross load calculations and distribution planning. Three...

Eversource decarbonizing Massachusetts’ grid with intelligent, long-term planning

Using data and advanced modeling to predict future DER adoption and distribution grid impacts. As consumers and...

Inferring PV system specifications from net loads and reconstructing gross loads

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that residential PV systems accounted for 61 percent of total...

O&R streamlines EV make-ready program with PowerClerk

Accelerating O&R’s POWERREADY EV infrastructure program in New York state New York State and O&R have...

Virtual Energy Audit with Sacramento Municipal Utility District

Evaluating Building Performance of Single-Family Homes in SMUD’s Service Territory Clean Power Research has developed...

Inferring PV system specifications from net load

The increasing penetration of grid-connected solar photovoltaics has challenged the existing method of planning and...

New DER Planning Software from Clean Power Research and SMUD Enables Utilities to Predict Bottom-Line Impacts in a DER World

 Product will benefit utilities of all sizes Sacramento, Calif., Jan. 17, 2018—Clean Power Research® and SMUD today...

Pricing renewables: Public power puts customers first

January 3, 2018 American Public Power Association Pricing renewables: Public power puts customers first

WattPlan® Revealing Savings of Electric Vehicles and Solar in California, New York, Arizona

Online software has already provided 10,000 residential customers with instant, personalized estimates to determine...

New WattPlan® Software by Clean Power Research Sets Standard for Utilities to Deliver Highly Personalized Answers to Energy Questions

Early adopters are cost-effectively engaging customers about solar options with WattPlan®’s interactive, online...

2014 Value of Solar at Austin Energy

This report and presentation summarizes a Value of Solar® study conducted for Austin Energy in the fall of 2013....

Clean Power Research Takes on Solar Soft Costs and PV Fleet Integration with $1.5 million in SunShot Initiative Awards

New software services will help utilities cost-effectively manage interconnection, better engage solar customers, and...

Behind-the-Meter PV Fleet Forecasting

Grid-connected PV in the U.S. has grown substantially over the past several years and grid operators are increasingly...

Photovoltaic Incentive Design Handbook

This handbook will help agencies and utilities select, design, and implement incentive programs that best meet...

Behind-the-Meter Intelligence for Distributed PV Grid Integration

As energy generation from distributed PV increases, utilities and ISOs are working to quantify the impact of high...

Solar Power Generation in the US: Too Expensive or a Bargain?

This article identifies the combined value that solar electric power plants deliver to utilities’ rate payers and...


Investigating variation of soiling and snow loss models using SolarAnywhere® data
Investigating variation of soiling and snow loss models using SolarAnywhere® data

Soiling and snow on PV systems can lead to significant annual energy losses, reaching up to 50%1 and 40%2 in certain regions. Our study investigates common models for estimating soiling and snow-related energy impacts. By analyzing these soiling and snow loss models at a 1 km spatial resolution, incorporating typical PV system parameters and leveraging […]

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SolarAnywhere Data Version 3.8 includes new high latitude irradiance data
SolarAnywhere Data Version 3.8 includes new high latitude irradiance data

Clean Power Research® releases a new SolarAnywhere® data version annually. This year’s update addresses the changing needs of the solar industry as projects expand to more northern, snowy locations with appreciable wind risk by offering new high-latitude irradiance data. Consistent with years past, we also published our annual validation whitepaper to communicate the accuracy of […]

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