CleanPower Estimator API

CleanPower Estimator API

WattPlan® Revealing Savings of Electric Vehicles and Solar in California, New York, Arizona

Online software has already provided 10,000 residential customers with instant, personalized estimates to determine...

New WattPlan® Software by Clean Power Research Sets Standard for Utilities to Deliver Highly Personalized Answers to Energy Questions

Early adopters are cost-effectively engaging customers about solar options with WattPlan®’s interactive, online...

Solar Resource Variability: Myth & Fact

Examines short-term solar resource variability caused by passing clouds. View Article >>>

Valuing a Portfolio of PV Investments

This presentation describes the importance of PV output variability as a factor in calculating the value of a fleet of...

Quantifying the Cost of High Photovoltaic Penetration

Calculating the cost of energy storage to provide firm capacity on a power grid with high PV penetration. Download PDF...

A Simple Method for Consumers to Address Uncertainty When Purchasing Photovoltaics

Should consumers invest in PV now, or wait? Download PDF >>>


Reduce uncertainty with higher-resolution typical year solar resource data
Reduce uncertainty with higher-resolution typical year solar resource data

Typical year irradiance datasets (TGY, TDY) summarize solar resource at a location. This data is generated to reflect the most probable (P50) monthly total irradiance, based on a long history of solar resource. SolarAnywhere calculates typical year data from a maximum span of time-series observations for each region—more than twenty-five years in many areas. Our […]

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