Phil Gruenhagen | Aug 4, 2015
In support of the Maine Public Utilities Commission’s work in 2014-15 to determine the value of distributed solar energy generation in the state, evaluate implementation options, and report to the Legislature, Clean Power Research, Dr. Richard Perez, and others...
Phil Gruenhagen | Aug 3, 2015
This article presents and validates the latest version of the SUNY model for using satellite imagery to calculate irradiance. The new version includes an improved treatment of clear sky, the ingestion of now-casting numerical weather predictions, and a more effective...
Phil Gruenhagen | Aug 3, 2015
Clean Power Research was engaged by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council, Inc. (IREC) to develop a methodology that could be used to value solar energy coupled with battery storage. The valuation of solar + storage methodology described in the report can be applied...
Heather Van Schoiack | Jul 28, 2015
July 28, 2015 FierceEnergy So much solar: Hawaii utilities tempt customers with new tool
Heather Van Schoiack | Jul 23, 2015
July 23, 2015 Pacific Business News Hawaiian Electric launches online tool to help solar PV shoppers