Hope Smith | Aug 19, 2016
August 19, 2016 Utility Dive So close, so far: Can Maine put its near-agreement on solar net metering back together again?
Heather Van Schoiack | Aug 12, 2016
The strong growth of distributed solar has challenged utilities to keep up with interconnection requests. The result? Longer interconnection waiting periods, unhappy customers and difficulty meeting regulatory requirements. Utilities that take action to streamline...
Hope Smith | Jul 29, 2016
This article calculates day-head forecast variability as function of historical clearness index based on intraday irradiance variability. In this paper we address the use of satellite data as a proxy for ground data to determine the clearness index of a day, and...
Hope Smith | Jul 29, 2016
This paper summarizes and analyzes recent research by the authors and others to understand, characterize, and model solar resource variability. This research shows that understanding solar energy variability requires a definition of the temporal and spatial context...
Heather Van Schoiack | Jul 29, 2016
Although the uncertainty of satellite data such as SolarAnywhere® Data has been shown to be low, it can be challenging to determine the uncertainty of satellite data that has been corrected using ground data. This paper explores the limitations of traditional...