Matthew Bleeker | Apr 4, 2019
Satellite-derived irradiance data, as an alternative to ground-based measurements, offer a unique opportunity to verify gridded solar forecasts generated by a numerical weather prediction model. Previously, it has been shown that the mean square errors (MSE) evaluated...
Hope Smith | Mar 25, 2019
March 25, 2019 Utility Dive The biggest numbers game in the power sector: Data analytics and the utility community of the future
Hope Smith | Jan 22, 2019
January 22, 2019 Utility Dive Minnesota study finds it cheaper to curtail solar than to add storage
Matthew Bleeker | Jan 22, 2019
Current thinking considers that PV output curtailment is a last resort measure to be avoided. In this article, we argue that supply-shaping, achieved through proactive curtailment associated with PV oversupply, is actually critical to achieving intermittency...