Heather Van Schoiack | Sep 16, 2019
Solar PV system specifications are critical to accurately modeling PV system production (along with high-quality weather data and PV production models), but are not always readily available. This paper describes how it’s possible to infer system specifications...
Hope Smith | Aug 14, 2019
August 14, 2019 PV Magazine 80% renewables is cake – let the extremists argue over the rest
Heather Van Schoiack | Jul 17, 2019
This report, prepared with an Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) fund, describes new methods for improving production forecasts of behind-the-meter and grid-connected PV systems by incorporating real-world effects of PV module age and soiling. The report also...
Heather Van Schoiack | Jul 17, 2019
This report, prepared with an Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) fund, describes the results of research to determine whether real-time data could be used to supplement forecasts generated using PV system hardware specifications and forecasted...
Heather Van Schoiack | Jul 17, 2019
This presentation discusses how probabilistic forecasting enables electric utilities and grid operators to reduce their operational costs by risk adjusting expected solar production. This presentation was given at the 2018 EPIC Symposium on February 7, 2018. Download...