Hope Smith | Aug 24, 2020
August 24, 2020 T & D World Using Modeling and Simulation to Support Grid Resiliency
Hope Smith | Aug 12, 2020
With more than 35 gigawatts of distributed solar installed in the U.S. alone, scalable solar operations and maintenance (O&M) and asset management is more important than ever. To maximize portfolio value, operators need efficient methods for measuring the health...
Heather Van Schoiack | Aug 11, 2020
In this presentation, you’ll learn about which type of solar irradiance data—typical year, ground or satellite—is appropriate for each stage of solar project development. The presentation then discusses the value of combining satellite and ground and data for...
Matthew Bleeker | Aug 1, 2020
One of the major problem of photovoltaic grid integration is limiting the solar-induced imbalances since these can undermine the security and stability of the electrical system. Improving the forecast accuracy of photovoltaic generation is becoming essential to allow...
Matthew Bleeker | May 18, 2020
The field of energy forecasting has attracted many researchers from different fields (e.g., meteorology, data sciences, mechanical or electrical engineering) over the last decade. Solar forecasting is a fast-growing subdomain of energy forecasting. Despite several...