Hope Smith | Dec 14, 2020
December 10,2020 Altenergymag.com Further tailoring pvDesign to US standards
Hope Smith | Dec 10, 2020
December 9,2020 Wallowa County Chieftan Electric vehicles are coming
Heather Van Schoiack | Sep 11, 2020
In years recent to 2020, low solar-resource in the Eastern U.S. was observed in the SolarAnywhere® dataset. This paper investigates 20-year trends in GHI and clear-sky GHI for every latitude/longitude pair in the continental United States. The paper also includes...
Matthew Bleeker | Aug 31, 2020
We introduce firm solar forecasts as a strategy to operate optimally overbuilt solar power plants in conjunction with optimally sized storage systems so as to make up for any power prediction errors, and hence entirely remove load balancing uncertainty emanating from...