
Your view behind the meter

FleetView - the utility's view behind the meter

Scalable DER data and insights for distribution system planning and grid operations

With increased adoption of behind-the-meter distributed energy resources (DERs), the use of traditional forecasting and planning practices can lead to blind spots in grid operations and uncertainties in distribution planning.

FleetView is a scalable data and insights platform designed to support distribution system planning, engineering and operations. Using dependable data sources and bottom-up modeling, FleetView provides distributed generation simulations that seamlessly aggregate meter-level insights at any level—from feeders to substations and beyond.

Visualize simulated DER power output with FleetView

Sample FleetView Simulation

Solutions for planning, engineering and operations

Planning and Engineering
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Unmask gross loads to improve forecasting

Use precise PV simulations at the interconnection point or aggregated at any grid level to accurately reconstruct gross loads.

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Uncover critical insights during peak events

Conduct grid impact studies to capture extreme weather events using time-series simulations that incorporate smoke, snow, soiling and other load-altering effects.

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Keep DER impact analyses up to date

Avoid stale power flow analyses by updating DER impact analyses as DERs come online, without any dependence on metered data.

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Enable intelligent DER integration

Safely increase utilization of existing grid infrastructure through non-wire alternatives informed by probabilistic time series DER simulations.

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Rely on low-cost, reliable DER data inputs

Understand behind-the-meter DER behavior to support ADMS, DERMS or other operational tools without the need for expensive metering or device integrations.

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Confidently predict extreme-weather DER performance

Enhance reliability and resilience by using sophisticated data blending methods and bottom-up energy models to better predict DER performance during extreme weather.

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Integrate DER generation estimates for seamless decision-making

Directly integrate DER generation estimates into existing applications via an enterprise-class API.

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Support advanced grid control strategies with higher accuracy

Trusted simulation methods that have been demonstrated for use in optimizing battery and volt/VAR control.

Exploring DER impacts with FleetView simulations

Reassign DERs to new fleet aggregations, review and edit system specifications and visualize simulated power output.

FleetView Interactive Map

Browse fleets and constituent DER specifications on an interactive map.

FV Web Page Screenshot

View DER simulation data, download as a CSV file, configure SFTP delivery or query via the API.

FleetView features

Flexible DER configuration

  • Import DER specifications via file upload in FleetView
  • Integrate with your CPR PowerClerk program(s) to automatically synchronize DER information as it is added or modified
  • Use the FleetView API to synchronize with other asset tracking systems or make bulk updates
  • Leverage patented inference models to fill in DER specification data gaps using AMI data
  • Flexibly define fleets as custom collections of DERs tailored to your use case

Scalable simulation options

  • Simulate historical or forecasted PV production with up to 15-minute temporal resolution and 1km spatial resolution
  • Get meter-level insights or seamlessly aggregate generation to any grid level
  • Fine-tune PV power model parameters to capture effects like losses from snow, soiling and smoke
  • Augment power output simulations using probabilistic irradiance and other weather data, such as temperature, precipitation and wind speed
  • Configure the simulation update frequency to meet your needs: daily, monthly or custom

Seamless delivery

  • Retrieve data via the API to perform bulk queries or build integrations with ADMS, DERMS or other operations and planning tools
  • Browse and download simulation data directly from the web portal
  • Schedule data deliveries via secure file transfer
Automate and scale your distributed generation and FERC interconnection processes
Case Study

Exelon Companies Choose FleetView

FleetView calculates behind-the-meter PV generation to inform gross load calculations and distribution planning.

Three Exelon companies (Atlantic City Electric, Delmarva Power and Pepco), experienced accelerated growth of residential solar installations in their service territories. In order to provide safe and reliable service while supporting solar adoption, the company needed the ability to accurately and cost-effectively estimate customer gross load that is obscured by behind-the-meter PV systems

“FleetView provides us with accurate and site-specific solar production simulations of historical and real-time production for every PV system in our territory. This helps us unmask gross load, plan for the future and bolster continued reliability of the distribution system.”

Scott Placide
Former Manager (DER Engineering), Exelon

FleetView distributed PV power production simulations

Access Point API, SFTP, AWS S3 or direct download via web platform
Time Period
Historical: 1/1/1998 up to past hour
Forecast: One-hour ahead up to 14-days ahead
Geography Global up to 60° N/S
Temporal Resolution
15, 30 and 60 minute
Spatial Resolution
1 km
PV System Data Options PowerClerk® integration, Clean Power Research PV specification inference model, API import or custom file import
Data Fields

Power Modeling
AC energy (kWh)
AC power (kW)
DC power (kW)
Clear sky power (kW)
Plane of array irradiance (POAI)
Fixed tilt, single-axis tracking or backtracking
Snow losses
Soiling losses
Bifacial PV

Clear sky irradiance

Wind speed
Snow depth
Relative humidity
Surface albedo

Data Types

Historical Time-series Data
Typical Year Profile (8760)
Average Year Summary (12x1)
Monthly Aggregations
Probability of Exceedance (PXX)

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