Scott Tewel | Sep 14, 2016
In the era of web-based technologies that streamline business processes and enable automation, the natural solution to handling complicated application processes is an online platform. But what does ‘online’ really mean? Based on more than a decade serving more than...
Heather Van Schoiack | Aug 3, 2016
Winning Smart Electric Power Alliance’s top award for connecting the most solar in 2015—1,258 new MW of capacity—didn’t come without challenges for Southern California Edison. Adding that much capacity meant that the utility connected a new solar customer to the grid...
Scott Tewel | Jul 28, 2016
Mapping is an indispensable tool for electric utilities to understand their distribution networks and related capacities to maintain power quality and reliability. The addition of new distributed generation, including rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, can...
Gavin Novotny | Mar 17, 2016
By now it’s old news that the utility business model needs to change. According to Utility Dive’s 2016 State of the Electric Utility Survey, only 3% of utility respondents feel the utility business model does not need to evolve. Unsurprisingly, utilities are investing...
Mark Liffmann | Feb 4, 2016
You can’t go anywhere these days without hearing about the price of oil. While in past years that often meant oil prices were skyrocketing, today, oil is threatening to hit 20-year lows (in inflation adjusted dollars). Right now, oil demand is so low, and supply is so...