Shelly Whitworth | Aug 16, 2022
Tailwinds for electrifying transportation continue to strengthen. Utilities across the country are developing programs to accelerate EV adoption and efficiently roll out charging infrastructure. While some utilities have successfully piloted or launched their first...
SolarAnywhere Posts | Jun 21, 2022
Although 2021 marked the third year in a row that solar represented the largest share of new generation capacity in the U.S., continued supply chain constraints, tariff investigations and inflation all pose uncertainty for 2022 project development pipelines. In this...
SolarAnywhere Posts | Jun 7, 2022
In 2021, Europe experienced the hottest summer on record, at 1.0°C (1.8°F) above average. This included an all-time peak temperature of 48.8°C (119.8°F) measured in Sicily in early August, surpassing the prior record of 48°C (118.4°F) set in...
SolarAnywhere Posts | May 25, 2022
Each year Clean Power Research® makes updates to SolarAnywhere® to continue our tradition of providing the solar industry and utilities with the world’s best solar data and intelligence services. This year’s releases include: Global, easy-to-access...
SolarAnywhere Posts | May 10, 2022
Wildfires diminished total sunlight in September 2020 by up to 20%, driving potential PV plant production riskDisaster preparedness—understanding and mitigating losses due to wind, hail and fire—is now a mainstream topic in the solar industry. In the...
SolarAnywhere Posts | Apr 20, 2022
Sunlight is dynamic. Imagine sunlight filtering through broken, drifting clouds. Shadows and light race across the landscape. The sun tracks across the sky. This is the real world that solar systems operate in.It’s no surprise that hourly PV modeling—still...