Brian Boler | Jun 12, 2014
The calculations to determine whether or not solar is a good investment are not simple—unless you’re using the Clean Power Estimator® solar calculator. Since we started counting 10 years ago, Clean Power Estimator has performed more than 29 million solar savings...
Scott Tewel | Jun 5, 2014
Taking paper intensive processes online can dramatically simplify what formerly would have been manual, time-consuming administrative tasks. For the solar industry, this can help reduce soft costs, which today account for more than 60 percent of the cost of installing...
Ben Norris | May 28, 2014
Minnesota’s recently enacted Value of Solar (VOS) methodology was developed with full public vetting, including three public workshops and a review process that enabled stakeholders to actively participate and provide input. The process used to develop the policies...
SolarAnywhere Posts | May 5, 2014
In a recent NREL report, interviews of 13 operating entities in the Western Interconnection found that “Variable generation (VG) forecasting is widely considered to be a key means of integrating wind and solar power efficiently and reliably as these resources become...
SolarAnywhere Posts | Apr 2, 2014
2013 marked the driest year on record in most regions of California. While this weather pattern led to many brown lawns and thirsty reservoirs, clear skies allowed many locations to experience well above-average PV energy generation potential. To better understand...