SolarAnywhere Posts | Oct 1, 2020
Are the solar industry’s pre-construction production estimates too optimistic? Yes, according to several contributions to the “Solar Risk Assessment: 2020” paper published by kWh Analytics. kWh found evidence of “an industry wide bias towards aggressive predictions,”...
SolarAnywhere Posts | Sep 15, 2020
In recent years, we reported on lower-than-expected solar energy production in the Eastern U.S., corroborating PV plant owner observations using SolarAnywhere® insolation data. This prompted us to ask the questions: How does this recent weather activity compare to...
Matt Newberry | Aug 11, 2020
A Case Study from CLEAResult & Liberty Utilities While coverage of COVID-19 continues to dominate the daily news cycle, new information on the economic challenges facing utilities and their customers continues to emerge. In times like these, many companies are...
SolarAnywhere Posts | Jun 17, 2020
The latest kWh Analytics “Solar Risk Assessment” report provides solar investors with the latest insights on the evolution of solar photovoltaic (PV) generation risk—and the importance of allowing data-based insights to inform the deployment of capital. This report...
Matthew Bleeker | May 6, 2020
With the rapid expansion of distributed energy resources (DERs), utilities are offering new types of electric rate plans to their customers. These traditional and renewable rate plans give customers new options, but knowing which rate to choose can be confusing. When...
Jeff Ressler | Apr 7, 2020
This post explains how to extract maximum value from PowerClerk® in “work from home” situations and outlines a new offer for utilities and energy agencies to use PowerClerk at no cost on COVID-19-related programs. Working from home with no compromises With the broad...