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Less coal, sunnier skies increasing solar project value
Less coal, sunnier skies increasing solar project value

In many regions around the world, the skies are getting cleaner thanks to controls on air pollution designed to benefit public health. The Eastern U.S. and Europe have seen dramatic improvements in air quality since the 1980s. Coal plant retirements and stricter...

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Leveraging GOES-17 for more accurate solar data
Leveraging GOES-17 for more accurate solar data

In February 2018, we blogged about the future of solar forecasting with the new NOAA/NASA GOES-16 satellite. The launch of the GOES-17 satellite held similar promise, but bringing it online ended up being problematic for NOAA/NASA—and provided a few wrinkles for those...

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3 steps to reducing solar customer acquisition costs
3 steps to reducing solar customer acquisition costs

In anticipation of the soon-to-be released NREL report that benchmarks solar soft costs in 2010, plenty of media attention is being given to soft-cost reduction strategies. According to NREL’s data, customer acquisition and system design make up 11 percent of the cost...

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20-million solar calculations served
20-million solar calculations served

This week, the engine that powers Clean Power Estimator® calculated its 20-millionth solar estimation (at least since we started counting). This marks a milestone for Clean Power Research and is a bellwether of industry growth. Since it launched in 1998, the rate of...

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UVIG technical achievement award presented to Tom Hoff
UVIG technical achievement award presented to Tom Hoff

Last week, the Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group (UVIG) recognized Tom Hoff, Clean Power Research founder and president of Research and Consulting, with an award for his ongoing contributions to solar forecasting. The ability to forecast the output of tens...

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Solar forecasting goes “EPIC”
Solar forecasting goes “EPIC”

Itron and Clean Power Research are embarking on the next phase of research that will lead to high-fidelity distributed solar photovoltaic (PV) forecasts, and integration of those forecasts into net load forecasts for the California Independent System Operator (ISO)....

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Solar fleet modeling part 3: Balancing the variability of PV
Solar fleet modeling part 3: Balancing the variability of PV

In our previous two posts, we described how to incorporate PV diversity (diversity in both design configuration and geography) in fleet-level modeling, and how to generate high frequency fleet power data with 60-second temporal resolution. In this post, we will show...

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Planning for solar part 2: High frequency data
Planning for solar part 2: High frequency data

Our previous post discussed how to produce solar PV production profiles for fleets of PV systems. In it we highlighted the importance of including both system diversity (tilt, orientation, shading, etc.), and geographical diversity (system locations and relative...

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Planning for solar part 1:  Solar fleet modeling
Planning for solar part 1: Solar fleet modeling

With the proliferation of grid-connected solar—whether from a few large, utility-scale systems, or from thousands of small, behind-the-meter systems—utilities are grappling with integration of these distributed, variable power generation resources. Over the next three...

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Version control: Your bankable signpost in a digital world
Version control: Your bankable signpost in a digital world

If you own an iPhone, you’ve seen the familiar message “iOS 9.3.3 is available for your iPhone and is ready to install.” If you’re like me, you hit “Remind me later” a few dozen times before you actually install the update. Call me paranoid, but I always have to take...

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Should I wait for Tesla’s Model 3?
Should I wait for Tesla’s Model 3?

Tesla announced the release of the Model 3 on March 31, 2016, and several hundred thousand reservations have been made. This has demonstrated a strong market demand for an electric vehicle (EV) that has three attributes: It’s attractive, has a decent range, and is...

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2016: The year of enhanced energy price competition
2016: The year of enhanced energy price competition

You can’t go anywhere these days without hearing about the price of oil. While in past years that often meant oil prices were skyrocketing, today, oil is threatening to hit 20-year lows (in inflation adjusted dollars). Right now, oil demand is so low, and supply is so...

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