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Ensuring Transparent Information for Consumers in Home Energy Upgrade Programs
During the White House Consumer Convening in D.C. earlier this week, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) introduced a voluntary "Consumer Bill of Rights" framework for States to incorporate into their upcoming Home Energy Rebate programs. The framework outlines 12 key...
PowerClerk Innovates, Surpasses Two Million Interconnection Projects
The intelligent and coordinated integration of renewable energy projects into power grids is critical for ensuring grid resiliency. Unfortunately, the process of interconnecting these projects is often hindered by disjointed, outdated processes that don’t scale to...
Reduce uncertainty with higher-resolution typical year solar resource data
Typical year irradiance datasets (TGY, TDY) summarize solar resource at a location. This data is generated to reflect the most probable (P50) monthly total irradiance, based on a long history of solar resource. SolarAnywhere calculates typical year data from a maximum...
Leading electric utilities choose Clean Power Research
Clean Power Research is honored to take a leading role in utility and energy agency digitalization initiatives On behalf of the entire team at Clean Power Research, I wish our utility and energy agency customers a Happy New Year and thank you for a great 2023. We’re...
Streamlining utility service requests to achieve decarbonization goals
Utilities today are working to achieve decarbonization goals while simultaneously responding to a surge in customer actions such as EV charger installation, new building construction, independent power production and more that lead to service requests. This poses a...
Case Study: JEA drives solar program excellence and resolves backlog with PowerClerk
JEA®, a community-owned utility in Jacksonville, Florida, faced a challenge that resonates with electric utilities and energy agencies big and small: a growing backlog of solar interconnection applications. Manually processing solar interconnection applications led to...
Case study: BayWA r.e. reduces OPEX by transitioning from aging and obsolete instrumentation to SolarAnywhere®
BayWa r.e. Operations Services LLC provides O&M services for a fleet of ~1 GW of renewable energy assets, both owned by BayWa r.e. and assets of other clients. Services include a real-time comparison of actual to expected, weather-adjusted energy output. This...
Podcast: Georgia Power expands solar access with innovative energy programs and WattPlan®
It’s energizing to showcase the innovative ways our utility customers like Georgia Power are accelerating the energy transition by expanding customer access to renewable options. Celebrating their efforts isn’t just a joy; it’s a chance to inspire other utilities and...
Case Study: APS implements PowerClerk® to enable efficient, flexible FERC generator interconnection management
Arizona Public Service (APS) experienced a surge in FERC Large Generator Interconnection applications, due to a growing demand for siting renewable energy projects in Arizona. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has stringent requirements for connecting...
Move beyond worst-case distribution planning with DER adoption forecasts and probabilistic planning
Distribution engineers today are responsible for designing the future of a critical infrastructure system, yet uncertainty pervades the process. Traditional methods of load forecasting and system planning are becoming less tenable due to the growth of distributed...
Strategies for managing multiple DER programs
In spite of the industry definition of distributed energy resources (DERs) continuing to evolve, consumers are increasingly adopting DERs—often more than one. This means that for utilities, DER program management such as interconnection doesn’t end at “permission to...
PowerClerk®: The proven solution for more than one million DER applications
The past two years have seen key milestones for distributed energy resource (DER) adoption in the U.S., including: Passing one million total residential solar installations in 2017. All solar generation (including residential, commercial and utility scale) in 2018...
Make the most of your DER interconnection data: virtual metering
In a previous blog post, we detailed the responsibility of distributed energy resource (DER) interconnection managers to capture DER system specifications for their system planners and distribution engineers. Since then, even more U.S. utilities have turned to...
Change is a constant: why agile software development fits today’s utility
As a developer of software for utility companies, we're frequently asked for information about integrating PowerClerk®, WattPlan® and SolarAnywhere® into utility processes. Often these requests include long lists of questions about product features and pricing, as...
Accurate DER data is key for utility planning: PowerClerk makes it possible
A key to managing utility distributed energy resource (DER) programs is capturing the right information—not only to complete interconnection requests, but also to support a host of emerging utility planning and business intelligence needs. As discussed in a previous...
Defining DERs: Does it matter that we all seem to have slightly different definitions?
Over the last few years, the term DER has become more and more commonplace in the energy space. Most of us know that this three letter acronym (TLA, get it?) stands for Distributed Energy Resources, but what Distributed Energy Resources are might be a bit fuzzier....
Hot Topics at DistribuTECH 2018: The rise of DERMS, integrated interconnection and DER adoption planning
Every year we’re inspired at DistribuTECH, where in 2018 more than 11,000 participants from over 70 countries gathered in San Antonio to discuss the latest topics on grid modernization. For Clean Power Research and our customers, there was ample evidence that many of...
Buy or build? NREL examines the pros and cons for DER application processing systems
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) recently released their independent study on "Improving Interconnection Processes with Online Application Processing Systems" for distributed energy resources (DERs). As DERs become...
Why WattPlan Grid: Planning for DER adoption
Eight months ago, Clean Power Research and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) formed a unique partnership to solve the critical challenge of planning for DER adoption. In the words of our partners at SMUD, this new DER planning software—called WattPlan®...
Residential rates: Can utilities increase customer satisfaction while decreasing peak load?
Recently, utilities have been turning to residential time-of-use and demand rates to send customers better pricing signals. But the question remains: Will these new residential rates succeed in changing customer behavior? What happens to customer satisfaction?...
Utilities with industry-leading customer satisfaction use WattPlan
The 2017 J.D. Power Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction StudySM results are in, and utilities that rank highest not only provide excellent reliability and rate options, many of them are also taking advantage of online engagement tools to improve the...
Why EV strategy is important for utilities: SMUD’s story
Electric vehicle (EV) adoption is increasing, and utilities are taking notice. In a May 25, 2017 webinar, “Shifting Utility EV Strategy into Drive: Best Practices and Lessons Learned1,” Thor Hinkley, EV senior program consultant at CLEAResult, pointed out that nearly...
MN Solar Pathways: Illuminating pathways to 10% solar
On March 30, 2017, the Minnesota Department of Commerce along with its core team, kicked off its Department of Energy-funded MN Solar Pathways project aimed at finding the least-risk, best-value solutions for MN to achieve its solar energy goals. Clean Power Research...
Can a simple model predict future PV adoption? (Yes—if done right)
Utilities across the U.S. are eager to know how much PV their customers will adopt, as this adoption can impact both revenues (from reduction in energy purchases) and costs (linked to distribution operation and intermittency mitigation). Having seen the explosive...
Can Hawaiian Electric convince customers to invest in solar and battery storage without pushing them off the grid?
As of September 2016, all three Hawaiian Electric Companies (HECO, MECO and HELCO) had reached the Public Utility Commission’s (PUC) Customer Grid-Supply program limit. Now, Hawaiians interested in installing rooftop solar will want to consider installing battery...
2017: The year of the long range EV
In 2016, electric vehicle (EV) sales grew 37% and utilities initiated strategies for dealing with that growth. Six utilities and state energy agencies now use WattPlan® to provide customers with personalized and objective guidance to their EV related questions....
NARUC aims to level the playing field for cloud software
In November 2016, the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) approved a resolution encouraging State regulators to level the playing field for cloud software and on-premise software. Why is this resolution critically important for utilities?...
2021 Europe weather report: Extreme weather events highlight the need for comprehensive weather analytics
In 2021, Europe experienced the hottest summer on record, at 1.0°C (1.8°F) above average. This included an all-time peak temperature of 48.8°C (119.8°F) measured in Sicily in early August, surpassing the prior record of 48°C (118.4°F) set in...
SolarAnywhere® 2022 updates: industry-first features improving PV modeling accuracy
Each year Clean Power Research® makes updates to SolarAnywhere® to continue our tradition of providing the solar industry and utilities with the world’s best solar data and intelligence services. This year’s releases include: Global, easy-to-access...
2020 regional solar deviation summary and North American wildfire smoke impact report Copy
Wildfires diminished total sunlight in September 2020 by up to 20%, driving potential PV plant production riskDisaster preparedness—understanding and mitigating losses due to wind, hail and fire—is now a mainstream topic in the solar industry. In the...
Improve PV modeling with new SolarAnywhere® High-resolution solar data with True Dynamics™
Sunlight is dynamic. Imagine sunlight filtering through broken, drifting clouds. Shadows and light race across the landscape. The sun tracks across the sky. This is the real world that solar systems operate in.It’s no surprise that hourly PV modeling—still...
Estimate PV soiling losses to reduce solar risk with SolarAnywhere
PV soiling losses can increase the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) of solar power plants by as much as one cent per kWh, depending on the project site. With the average LCOE of solar generation expected to decrease to 1-5 cents/kWh globally by the year 2050, the...
kWh Analytics’ 2021 Solar Generation Index: Real-world data, collaboration needed to inform financial decisions and improve certainty in returns
As solar becomes a more attractive investment, transaction speed often takes precedence over accuracy, which can lead to market inefficiencies. In the 2021 Solar Generation Index report, kWh Analytics is supplying transparency to the solar industry with a performance...
Introducing SolarAnywhere® hindcast data: optimize PV plant design to deliver firm solar power
The solar market is maturing and off-takers are increasingly asking for clean, guaranteed power production regardless of the weather. This trend towards firm solar power delivery is visible in corporate commitments to operate on carbon-free energy 24/7, 365 days a...
PV innovation gets a boost with new SolarAnywhere Public: Current, complete, no-cost solar data for select locations
Solar PV is poised to become the new “king of electricity generation” according to the International Energy Agency (IEA), which predicts solar to lead the surge in renewable power supply over the next decade. Across the U.S. alone, solar is expected to account for 40%...
Clean Power Research offers pvlib models via SolarAnywhere; joins pvlib open-source community
With the rapid growth of solar PV around the world, project developers, owners and operators need efficient and robust solutions to help them develop, operate and maintain PV systems at scale. Programmatic access to solar energy simulations helps stakeholders make...
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Case Study: Learn how GivePower® uses SolarAnywhere® to optimize Solar Water Farms for underserved communities
We’re always excited to hear about the projects our SolarAnywhere® clients are working on, but GivePower® is truly inspiring. GivePower® designs and installs life-changing Solar Water Farms that can produce up to 75,000 liters of safe water per day—for up to 20...
Case Study: Rappahannock Electric Cooperative streamlines solar program
Rappahannock Electric Cooperative's (REC) Energy Solutions and Clean Energy team struggled with high solar support call volumes and a labor-intensive interconnection process. To improve their residential and commercial solar programs, REC sought to automate customer...
Unpacking the Inflation Reduction Act part 2: Strategies for electric utilities to effectively scale DER adoption
This is part 2 of a 2-part blog. In Part 1, we discussed the challenges and impact of the Inflation Reduction Act on utilities and energy agencies. In Part 2, we’ll share utility best practices to meet increased DER program demands and demonstrate how Clean Power...
How utilities can forecast DER impact by leveraging customer insights, operational data and data analytics
Utilities must meet consumer demand with reliable supply amongst changing consumer habits. The DER tidal wave is on its way, powered by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), aggressive state, federal and utility emission reduction goals, and growing customer interest in...
Unpacking the Inflation Reduction Act part 1: Key elements impacting utilities and energy agencies
This is part 1 of a 2-part blog. Here we’ll discuss the impact of the IRA on utilities and energy agencies, and some common challenges. In Part 2, we’ll share utility best practices to meet increased DER program demands and demonstrate how Clean Power Research is...
Case Study: Orange & Rockland streamlines a best-in-class EV make-ready program with PowerClerk®
Ambitious EV adoption and charger goals have been set by the state of New York and Orange & Rockland (O&R). Notably, O&R set a target to increase EV chargers in their service area 30x by 2025. In support of this goal, O&R developed the POWERREADY EV...
Case Study: Eversource recognized as finalist in SEPA’s Utility Transformation Awards
The electric utility market is about to undergo profound changes. The broad decarbonization of energy production and storage was already underway and gaining speed, even before recent legislation such as the IRA and NEVI boosted momentum across the U.S. Now, driven by...
Insights for utilities tackling complex, equitable EV programs
Tailwinds for electrifying transportation continue to strengthen. Utilities across the country are developing programs to accelerate EV adoption and efficiently roll out charging infrastructure. While some utilities have successfully piloted or launched their first...
More than 65 utilities trust Clean Power Research to accelerate their energy transformation
In 2019, Clean Power Research reached a milestone when we reported that all Top 10 U.S. utilities relied on one or more of our products to support their energy transformation efforts. In 2021, we witnessed a step change by our utility customers as the tempo of the...
Implicit storage continues to gain support to enable renewables to deliver firm power, cost effectively
With solar and wind providing a greater percentage of electricity, managing the intrinsic intermittency of variable resources is becoming increasingly important. How do we overcome this intermittency? Answering this question has been the focus of an international...
Insights for utilities tackling complex, equitable EV programs
Tailwinds for electrifying transportation continue to strengthen. Utilities across the country are developing programs to accelerate EV adoption and efficiently roll out charging infrastructure. While some utilities have successfully piloted or launched their first...
2022 Solar Risk Assessment Report: Expert insights into key risk factors impacting solar assets globally
Although 2021 marked the third year in a row that solar represented the largest share of new generation capacity in the U.S., continued supply chain constraints, tariff investigations and inflation all pose uncertainty for 2022 project development pipelines. In this...
2021 Europe weather report: Extreme weather events highlight the need for comprehensive weather analytics
In 2021, Europe experienced the hottest summer on record, at 1.0°C (1.8°F) above average. This included an all-time peak temperature of 48.8°C (119.8°F) measured in Sicily in early August, surpassing the prior record of 48°C (118.4°F) set in...
SolarAnywhere® 2022 updates: industry-first features improving PV modeling accuracy
Each year Clean Power Research® makes updates to SolarAnywhere® to continue our tradition of providing the solar industry and utilities with the world’s best solar data and intelligence services. This year’s releases include: Global, easy-to-access...
2020 regional solar deviation summary and North American wildfire smoke impact report Copy
Wildfires diminished total sunlight in September 2020 by up to 20%, driving potential PV plant production riskDisaster preparedness—understanding and mitigating losses due to wind, hail and fire—is now a mainstream topic in the solar industry. In the...
More than 65 utilities trust Clean Power Research to accelerate their energy transformation
In 2019, Clean Power Research reached a milestone when we reported that all Top 10 U.S. utilities relied on one or more of our products to support their energy transformation efforts. In 2021, we witnessed a step change by our utility customers as the tempo of the...
kWh Analytics’ 2021 Solar Generation Index: Real-world data, collaboration needed to inform financial decisions and improve certainty in returns
As solar becomes a more attractive investment, transaction speed often takes precedence over accuracy, which can lead to market inefficiencies. In the 2021 Solar Generation Index report, kWh Analytics is supplying transparency to the solar industry with a performance...
Introducing SolarAnywhere® hindcast data: optimize PV plant design to deliver firm solar power
The solar market is maturing and off-takers are increasingly asking for clean, guaranteed power production regardless of the weather. This trend towards firm solar power delivery is visible in corporate commitments to operate on carbon-free energy 24/7, 365 days a...