Renewables have dominated the growth of new bulk power generation sources over the past five years. Driven by favorable policy, rapid declines in cost, improvements in technology, and fast time to market, as of 2019, solar power plants made up 29 GW of the existing...
SolarAnywhere Posts
SolarAnywhere Version 3.5 Available: Improves Accuracy and Enables Bifacial Project Modeling
Clean Power Research is pleased to announce the launch of SolarAnywhere® version 3.5 (v3.5), which incorporates high-resolution aerosol and albedo data to improve accuracy and enable more accurate irradiance modeling, including bifacial project modeling. SolarAnywhere...
2020 regional solar deviation summary and North American wildfire smoke impact report
Wildfires diminished total sunlight in September 2020 by up to 20%, driving potential PV plant production risk Disaster preparedness—understanding and mitigating losses due to wind, hail and fire—is now a mainstream topic in the solar industry. In the United States...
SolarAnywhere® now available for Africa and West Asia
SolarAnywhere®, the industry’s leading solar data and intelligence service, now covers Africa and West Asia. With solar resource data available from 1999 through present and forecast, SolarAnywhere customers can access the accurate, consistent data they need for...
Purchase SolarAnywhere online, anytime: bankable solar data, on demand
When you have an important solar project deadline looming, you need reliable data—fast. Now you can purchase SolarAnywhere online anytime, ensuring you have access to the bankable solar data resources you need, when you need them. Our team is here to help, but for...
Solar performance monitoring in Europe and South America just got easier with SolarAnywhere real-time data
As renewables in Europe and South America continue to surge—with Europe generating more electricity from renewables than from fossil fuels for the first time in 2020—the ability to efficiently scale management of solar assets is critical. Whether ensuring long-term...
Record climate disasters, moderate solar deviations through Q3 2020
We’re introducing a major upgrade to our SolarAnywhere® solar deviation maps! The new maps expand coverage to three continents and increase resolution to ~50 km. The maps give asset managers and owners high-level insights into the weather trends affecting the...
What’s the value of your solar data? (And why the median approach to solar resource data selection falls short)
Are the solar industry’s pre-construction production estimates too optimistic? Yes, according to several contributions to the “Solar Risk Assessment: 2020” paper published by kWh Analytics. kWh found evidence of “an industry wide bias towards aggressive predictions,”...
Solar resource trends: Changing cloud-cover and AOD, and implications for PV yield
In recent years, we reported on lower-than-expected solar energy production in the Eastern U.S., corroborating PV plant owner observations using SolarAnywhere® insolation data. This prompted us to ask the questions: How does this recent weather activity compare to...