
SolarAnywhere Posts

Less coal, sunnier skies increasing solar project value
Less coal, sunnier skies increasing solar project value

In many regions around the world, the skies are getting cleaner thanks to controls on air pollution designed to benefit public health. The Eastern U.S. and Europe have seen dramatic improvements in air quality since the 1980s. Coal plant retirements and stricter...

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Leveraging GOES-17 for more accurate solar data
Leveraging GOES-17 for more accurate solar data

In February 2018, we blogged about the future of solar forecasting with the new NOAA/NASA GOES-16 satellite. The launch of the GOES-17 satellite held similar promise, but bringing it online ended up being problematic for NOAA/NASA—and provided a few wrinkles for those...

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Demand for firm power driving innovation in solar forecasting
Demand for firm power driving innovation in solar forecasting

Since 2014, compelling economics have made renewable energy the preferred source of new power generation capacity in the United States. Energy cost parity with traditional sources has been well-established by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and other...

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