The U.S. saw utility-scale electric generating capacity increase by 21% during the first half of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. Most of the new capacity came from utility-scale solar, wind and battery storage. According to the U.S. Energy Information...

Shelly Whitworth
Streamlining utility service requests to achieve decarbonization goals
Utilities today are working to achieve decarbonization goals while simultaneously responding to a surge in customer actions such as EV charger installation, new building construction, independent power production and more that lead to service requests. This poses a...
Case Study: JEA drives solar program excellence and resolves backlog with PowerClerk
JEA®, a community-owned utility in Jacksonville, Florida, faced a challenge that resonates with electric utilities and energy agencies big and small: a growing backlog of solar interconnection applications. Manually processing solar interconnection applications led to...
Podcast: Georgia Power expands solar access with innovative energy programs and WattPlan®
It’s energizing to showcase the innovative ways our utility customers like Georgia Power are accelerating the energy transition by expanding customer access to renewable options. Celebrating their efforts isn’t just a joy; it’s a chance to inspire other utilities and...
Unlocking the power of digitalization: Transforming utility energy programs for success
Digitization vs. digitalization Digitalization is more than a trending buzzword. It’s the next crucial step following “digitization” that utilities are taking to tackle real-world challenges. In fact, the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) recently identified...
Utility best practices to accelerate the deployment of V2X technologies
The topic of accelerating vehicle-to-everything (V2X), which includes vehicle-to-grid (V2G) and vehicle-to-home (V2H) bidirectional charging systems, has broken out of EV conferences into the real world. Bidirectional charging systems “can discharge from the electric...
Reducing administrative overload: How to streamline utility energy programs
Tame Backlogs and Avoid Administrator Burnout with Empowered Program Teams. The transition to clean energy is a top priority for utility companies, but the administrative burden of energy programs can be overwhelming for staff. Inefficient and time-consuming...
Case Study: Rappahannock Electric Cooperative streamlines solar program
Rappahannock Electric Cooperative's (REC) Energy Solutions and Clean Energy team struggled with high solar support call volumes and a labor-intensive interconnection process. To improve their residential and commercial solar programs, REC sought to automate customer...
Unpacking the Inflation Reduction Act part 2: Strategies for electric utilities to effectively scale DER adoption
This is part 2 of a 2-part blog. In Part 1, we discussed the challenges and impact of the Inflation Reduction Act on utilities and energy agencies. In Part 2, we’ll share utility best practices to meet increased DER program demands and demonstrate how Clean Power...